
black onxy pendantOnyx is preferred by Actresses

The onyx gemstone is known to have special properties that can help you through a difficult time following a break-up in a relationship. Twilight saga star Kristen Steward chose to sport an Onyx ring when she made an appearance at the 2012 Cannes film festival.

Description: Silky lines ripple through a variety of different colors of this stunning gemstone.  Its vibrant colors run through with bands of black, white, gray or brown.

Power Qualities of Onyx Healing Stones:

  • Onyx promotes strength and steadfastness
  • Filling the body with vigorous energy it builds stamina
  • Grieving is softened and made more distant
  • It helps a person to make wise decisions
  • Its powers are erudite, quick witted and eloquent
  • Onyx allows a person to feel at ease with their surroundings.
  • It has an affinity with the bones and is a tonic for the blood and bone marrow
  • It has a tonic effect on teeth and eyes.



In its true form onyx is mostly found in shades of gray, glossy blacks, white and brown. It has wavy lines running through and today is dyed with different colors to give it a more vibrant appearance.

Varieties: Carnelian onyx has rich white and red bands running through. Sardonyx has rich white and brown band markings.

Birthstone: Black onyx is the birthstone for February. Sardonyx is the birthstone of Leo. Find a gift for him or her!

onyx bracelet

Wedding Anniversary: Onyx is generally a 7th wedding anniversary gemstone, although the black Onyx is the gemstone for the 10th anniversary.

The Healing Qualities of Onyx Stone: Onyx is said to purify the blood and be a tonic for bone marrow. It also strengthens bones and nails and is thought to help with the effects of glaucoma.

Types of Onyx Used for Healing: Onyx helps a person to be steadfast in their convictions, staying true to their ideals and discourages the interest of people that could lead the wearer down the wrong path. It also helps you to settle into new surroundings and be comfortable with a change in circumstances.

Onyx Mystical Powers: The Onyx gemstone should be used to help a person to break an attachment, whether from a person or a bad habit. It´s mystical power is vital for letting go and helping the beholder to move forward in life.

The History of Onyx Stones: Onyx has always been quite readily available in reserves across the globe.  Unlike other semiprecious stones the Egyptians were superstitious about wearing onyx and preferred to use it for making trinkets and household items.  Onyx bowls have been found in excavations that date back as far back as the 2nd dynasty.

For many centuries intricate cameos have been made from two layered onyx, creating a white bas relief on a colored background. It was common for the legions of Roman Soldiers to carry cameos of Mars or Hercules made from Onyx as they believed the gemstone would bestow the powers of the figure engraved on it.

Later as the Renaissance swept across the western world, the finest orators wore beads and brooches made of onyx convinced of the eloquence and quick wit it promised.

onyx snakeThe Name’s Origin:

The name comes from the Greek word onux, meaning fingernail. It is written in mythology that one day a mischievous Cupid saw Venus sleeping and cut her fingernails with an arrowhead, then sprinkled them over the sand. The gods turned them to onyx to ensure that none of the heavenly body would ever perish.

Care and Treatment: Onyx chips easily so do not store without wrapping.

Onyx Around the World: Onyx is mainly found in India and South America.

The Ideal Gift: Onyx is a lovely gift to students who are leaving home for the first time to live in another city as they begin their University years. Perhaps a small box filled with family photos will help them connect emotionally to their past.

The Onyx is also recommended for a person who is going through the first steps of sobriety when overcoming an addiction. A ring or necklace with an Onyx stone would make an ideal gift for a woman who loves her fingernails or is experiencing love pains following the breakup of a relationship.  Its vibrant colors attract attention to her hands and strengthen her nails at the same time.

Author: Becky

Hello! I am a horseback riding writer with an incessant fetish for shopping and sharing the best gift ideas on the market.

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