4 Signs You’re A Bad Gift Giver

It happened to me at one point, I sat back and thought about some of the things I had given to people in the past; horrible presents really, gifts I had blindly wrapped, hopping they would be enjoyed. And while we’ve all given a bad present or two, I bet you can think of someone that almost always gives a bad present! The person you dread opening gifts from, before you even peel back the first layer of paper you’re already preparing your fake smile and, thank you!

Maybe it’s your aunt, sister, or even best friend that never delivers any gifts worth opening—not to be mean or anything because we all know it’s the thought that really counts. But when gifts are continuously bad one may start to question: was any thought included?

Those that gift the ‘worst presents ever’ don’t necessarily mean to do so; in fact they typically think they are giving out great things that their friends and family will love. While some people are honest and tell them otherwise, there are more people who simply smile, nod, and say that they love the gift. In the end, these unloved presents are tossed away, given to Salvation Army, sold on eBay, or clogging up a closet somewhere—a waste of money, effort, space, and everything else!

At some point in time we have all been to blame for the junk presents I speak of, no one gives a perfect gift every time. But are you actually a notoriously bad gift giver? Here are 4 signs you might need to tune up your gift giving skills!


I. You Never See Your Gifted Gifts Again

Remember that locket you bought for your best friend? Or that keychain you got for your roommate? Those things you gifted and then forgot about; it’s easy to forget about the things we have given to others when we never see them using it.

For some people, it is instantly obvious if their friends are not using the presents they purchased for them, while for others it just fades into background noise. Take time to notice if the people you gift things to are actually using and enjoying your presents. Of course you never want to approach them about it—but if a lot of your gifts seem to be going unused—it’s time to reassess.


 II. You Don’t Hear About Them Either…

Maybe you live too far away from your granddaughter to see if she’s wearing that green turtle neck you sent out for her birthday, but if people adore their presents you are going to hear about them, not just see them! The best gifts last a long time; therefore the receiver will use and subsequently talk about the item(s) long after they’ve been given. Clearly, you’re not going to hear endlessly about every gift you have ever given, but a mention here and there is to be expected if you have gifted well.


III. You Only Buy Things That You Like

A big problem that most people face when it comes to shopping for others is the automatic tendency to buy something they would want. While this works great for friends that have similar tastes to you, what you want is not always what others want—even if they love you and compliment your style, if it’s not theirs, it’s simply not theirs!

Therefore, buying something for someone that does not represent his or her style, but instead represents your style, is never a good idea. If you can’t recall the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone to buy someone a gift, for example going to a store you’ve never craved venturing through, you either have a bunch of twins for friends and family, or you have yet to give a truly winning gift.


VI. You Never Hear, “You’re a Good Gift Giver!”

If you are a good gift giver, you are one in a million—it’s not that often that someone gives excellent presents that others always look forward to opening. If you do know someone that gives excellent presents time and time again, you probably tell him or her this because you are appreciative. Therefore, if no one ever gushes about your great gifts, you likely aren’t giving them—at least not very consistently. And since presents are required so few times each year, it doesn’t take much ‘consistency’ to become known as the greatest gift giver.

While we can’t win always, we can win most of the time. If you need serious gift-giving help or only a few quick ideas, All That Gifts is here to help!


Author: Becky

Hello! I am a horseback riding writer with an incessant fetish for shopping and sharing the best gift ideas on the market.

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